Physical Inactivity
What does physical inactivity mean?
Physical inactivity refers to a person who is not undertaking the recommended level of physical activity.
This is usually due to living a sedentary lifestyle, spending long periods in the same position.
This includes sitting or lying down while being occupied with other things such as watching TV, using the computer, or reading.
Physical activity is not just about running or going to the gym; it also includes daily activities like housework, carrying shopping, climbing up the stairs and going for a walk.
“In Malta, only 36% of adults aged 18-64 years met the minimum requirements for physical activity in 2018.”
Why should I be active?
Physical inactivity is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (disease of the vessels of the heart and brain which may lead to a heart attack or stroke) just like high blood pressure (LINK TO OTHER LEAFLET), high cholesterol and smoking.
Living a sedentary lifestyle leads to a buildup of fatty material in the blood vessels which carry oxygen to our organs, known as atherosclerosis. If these vessels become blocked, it can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
The heart is a muscle which needs exercise to remain healthy and be able to pump blood efficiently around the body.
What are the benefits of being active?
Physical activity is beneficial in several ways:
Prevents heart disease
Lowers the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and stroke
Reduces the bad cholesterol levels and increases the good cholesterol levels
Helps maintain a healthy weight
Helps to reduce stress and tension
Improves overall health and wellbeing by improving one’s mood, concentration, memory, and sleep
How active should I be?
At least 2.5 hours of moderate intensity exercise per week
Examples of moderate exercise include walking briskly, dancing, swimming, running, and weightlifting, among others
Aim to be active every day
Any activity is better than none
Walking, dancing, carrying shopping, climbing stairs- these are all examples of how you can keep active throughout the day
Aim to be active every day.
Take-Home Messages
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will improve your health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease significantly
Aim to be active every day
Any activity is better than none
Aim to perform at least moderate exercise 30-60 minutes for 3 to 4 days per week
If you have any questions regarding our article, feel free to contact us on or on our Facebook page.
This article was authored by Dr. Nevise Livori and edited by Dr. Neil Grech, in collaboration with the Malta Heart Foundation and Maltese Cardiac Society.